How Many Puppies Do Stabyhouns Have? Calculator for Predicting Stabyhoun Litter Size

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Average Litter Size of Stabyhoun

Researchers from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science did a study where they counted the numbers of puppies in 1 different Stabyhoun birth litters.

From this study, the researchers found that the average number of puppies that Stabyhouns can have is 8 puppies. Also, the Stabyhoun can have as few as 8 puppies per litter and as many as 8 puppies per litter.

See how the litter size of the Stabyhoun compares to that of other dog breeds below:

The average litter size of the Stabyhoun (in green) compared to the litter sizes of other dog breeds (in red)
Dog Breed Average Litter Size
Cane Corso Average Litter Size 8.2
Stabyhoun Average Litter Size 8.0
Irish Red and White Setter Average Litter Size 8.0
German Longhaired Pointer Average Litter Size 7.8
Hovawart Average Litter Size 7.8
Standard Poodle Average Litter Size 7.0
Irish Terrier Average Litter Size 6.3
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Average Litter Size 5.6
Bulldog Average Litter Size 5.4
Glen of Imaal Terrier Average Litter Size 5.3
Collie Average Litter Size 5.2
Siberian Husky Average Litter Size 5.1
Lhasa Apso Average Litter Size 4.9
French Bulldog Average Litter Size 4.7
Miniature Pinscher Average Litter Size 4.3
Japanese Spitz Average Litter Size 3.9
West Highland White Terrier Average Litter Size 3.7
Volpino Italiano Average Litter Size 3.3
Lowchen Average Litter Size 3.3
Miniature Poodle Average Litter Size 3.0

Read this article to learn about how many puppies dogs have.

Calculator to Predict How Many Puppies Stabyhoun Will Have

Stabyhoun Litter Size Predictor

Your Stabyhoun`s Current Age:

Method of Pregnancy

Number of Puppies to Expect:

According to the result of the research carried out by researchers from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, the number of puppies a Stabyhoun will have depends on the following main factors:

  • The size of the breed (most important factor): Giant dog breeds tend to have a bigger litter size, while smaller breeds give birth to a smaller number of puppies
  • The method of mating: Natural mating results in a larger litter size than artificial insemination.
  • The age of the female dog: Check out the chart below to see how many puppies a female Stabyhoun is likely to have at different ages.

According to research, the following factors do not affect litter size:

  • The time of the year of the litter was born (season of birth): Although, from the study, litters born in the Spring seem to be larger than litters from other seasons, however, the difference was not of significance.
  • The number of times a female dog has given birth in the past (known as parity): The age of the female dog is more important to the extent that it makes parity insignificant.

Based on the important factors that affect litter size, the researchers from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science developed formulas for predicting the litter size of dogs.

We have developed the Stabyhoun litter size calculator above based on their formulas. Use the calculator to predict how many puppies a Stabyhoun will have based on the age, and method of pregnancy for a Stabyhoun

The calculator tells you how many puppies your Stabyhoun will have if your Stabyhoun gets pregnant today. The calculator assumes that the length of pregnancy will be two months.

Note that we are NOT in any way encouraging you to breed your Stabyhoun. Dog breeding requires expertise. If you want to be breeding dogs, get the necessary training. Also, work closely with a veterinarian when breeding a dog.

The table below shows the average litter size to expect from a Stabyhoun at different ages. This table applies to a Stabyhoun that conceives through natural mating.

Age (Years) Average Litter Size Litter Size Range
2 6 puppies 5 to 7 puppies
3 6 puppies 4 to 8 puppies
4 6 puppies 4 to 8 puppies
5 6 puppies 4 to 8 puppies
6 6 puppies 3 to 8 puppies
7 5 puppies 3 to 8 puppies
8 5 puppies 2 to 8 puppies
9 5 puppies 1 to 8 puppies

How Long is a Stabyhoun Pregnant?

Stabyhouns are pregnant for 63 days on average (2 months) after conception. However, this is an average value. The length of pregnancy in Stabyhouns can range from 58-68 days.

However, note that it is difficult to know the exact day that your Stabyhoun conceives because conception may not happen at the same time that mating happens.

Sperm can live inside a female Stabyhoun for several days after mating before conception occurs.

How to Ensure a Successful Pregnancy in Stabyhoun

To ensure that your Stabyhoun successfully gets pregnant and deliver its puppies, here at the things you can do:

  • Feed your Stabyhoun well: A good diet will ensure that your Stabyhoun has the nutrients and the energy it needs to get pregnant and maintain the pregnancy.
  • Make sure your Stabyhoun is in good health: Ensure you take your Stabyhoun to the Vet care regularly for checkups, make sure your Stabyhoun gets regular exercise. Also, make sure that your is not overweight or underweight.

Conclusion on Stabyhoun Litter Size

Stabyhouns can have 8 puppies per litter birth on average. The number of puppies that a Stabyhoun will have depends on factors such as the age of the Stabyhoun and the method of pregnancy (natural or artificial insemination).

Breeding Stabyhouns the right way requires expertise and should be done after sufficient training.

Also, you should work closely with a veterinarian when breeding a Stabyhoun. There are a lot of nuances involved in breeding a dog, which we do not have the time or the space to discuss here.

However, working with a veterinarian will ensure that your Stabyhoun gets the right treatment necessary to make healthy puppies.

The litter size research study that we used for this article was conducted on Stabyhouns in Norway. However, the authors of the research believe that the results can be generalized to other countries that have similar dog management systems as Norway.